I suddenly woke up,
I looked at my watch indistinctly,
but I realized absolutely,
a new day has come already,
its a continuation of my diary,
in new seasons of story,
with this opportunity,
I make my missions vividly,
wish my hopes clearly,
pray to God honestly,
being a servant obediently,
try to work hardly,
may my dreams become reality...~
[maHFuz 010110]

Hmm...when the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, its a new day to people all over the world. Everyone cheers and wishes each other a Happy New Year, for some, this event is no more than a change of a calendar, but for me, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of a better tomorrow because the object of a New year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.
And after the year 2009, the New Year 2010 has various things in store for me. It is expected to be an eventful year with achievements and success in every field. This year, I'll achieve bigger goals and fulfill those commitments which were pending last year. Whatever work I had thought of taking up but failed to do so, should be taken up this year. I would try to make this New Year 2010 more successful and joyful. I'll open the new book with the blank pages and I'm going to put words on them by myself. So, for last year's words belong to last year's language and this year's words await another voice. I wish you'll all have a much better year than the last one (I'm not saying last year was bad, just hoping this one's going to be even better!) and well..
yg berlalu, biarkan berlalu,
tuk dgapai kembali x lg termampu,
yg akan datang jgn dbiar berlalu,
kerna rahsia itu hanya Dia yang tahu,
semoge hari ini lebyh baik dr semalam,
dan esok lebih baik dari hari ini...aMieN
owh yer, sebelum terluper,
To my eldest brother, happy 22nd birthday!
I really wish happiness will shine your days
and hope you will get everything you wish for on you birthday..=)
Dan rasernyer x terlewat jugak nak congratulate to my younger brother, for the best PMR's result! Keep working hard for SMU & SPM...~
"... to make an end is to make a beginning..."
Perkara yg paling aku menyesal sekali dlm sehari ialah apabila terbenamnya matahari, umurku berkurangan, akan tetapi amalanku tidak bertambah " -Ibnu Mas'ud R.A-